• Name of the Movie: Clean (2020)

  • Languages;  English

  • Director(s): Paul Solet

  • Writer(s): Adrien Brody and Paul Solet

  • Lead Star Cast(s): Adrien Brody, Glenn Fleshler, and Richie Merritt.

  • Release Date: 2020

  • Budget: $85 million

  • Running time: N/A

  • Genre: Crime, Drama


IDMB rating 7.5/10

Rottentomatoes 73%

Metacritic: 75%



Tormented by his past, a garbage man named Clean attempts a quiet life of redemption. But, soon finds himself forced to reconcile with the violence of his past.


  • Name: Paul Solet

  • Age: 43 (June 13, 1979)

  • Nationality: American

  • Profession: Director/ Producer/ Screenwriter/ Writer

  • Known For: Fangoria: Blood Drive II, Means To An End, Grace, The Tivo, The Jack Chop.

Check out more about Paul



  • Name: Adrien Brody

  • Age: 44 (April 14, 1973)

  • Nationality: American

  • Profession: Actor

  • Known For: The Boy Who Cried Bitch, King of the Hill, Angels in the Outfield, and Lola James.

Check out more about Adrien 

  • Name: Richie Merritt

  • Age: 20 ( 23 May 2001)

  • Nationality: American

  • Profession: Actor

  • Known For: White Boy Rick , Clean ,and Lola James.

Check out more about Richie

<p>Opening night after party for the Broadway production of ‘Tom Stoppard’s Arcadia’ held at Gotham Hall. New York City, USA – 17.03.11</p>
" data-medium-file="https://i0.wp.com/wikifamouspeople.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Glenn-Fleshler-300.jpeg?fit=179%2C300&ssl=1" data-large-file="https://i0.wp.com/wikifamouspeople.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Glenn-Fleshler-300.jpeg?fit=252%2C422&ssl=1" loading="lazy" class="lazy lazy-hidden size-full wp-image-577594" data-lazy-type="image" src="https://knowiki.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Glenn-Fleshler-300.jpeg" alt="" width="252" height="422" data-lazy- data-recalc-dims="1"/>

  • Name: Glenn Fleshler

  • Age: 53 ( September 5, 1968)

  • Nationality: American

  • Profession: Actor

  • Known For:  A Price Above Rubies, Astronomy of Errors, Garmento, The Shovel, Henry’s Crime, All Good Things.

Check out more about Glenn

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