• Name of the Movie: Moonfall

  • Languages;  English

  • Director(s): Ronald Emmerich

  • Writer(s): Spenser Cohen, Roland Emmerich, and Harald Kloser

  • Lead Star Cast(s): Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson, John Bradley.

  • Release Date: February 4, 2022

  • Budget: $105 million

  • Running time:120 mins

  • Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy and Sci-Fi


IDMB rating N/A

Rottentomatoes N/A

Metacritic: N/A



In Moonfall, a mysterious force knocks the Moon from its orbit around Earth and sends it hurtling on a collision course with life as we know it. With mere weeks before impact and the world on the brink of annihilation, NASA executive and former astronaut Jo Fowler is convinced she has the key to saving us all – but only one astronaut from her past, Brian Harper and a conspiracy theorist K.C. Houseman believe her. These unlikely heroes will mount an impossible last-ditch mission into space, leaving behind everyone they love, only to find that they might have prepared for the wrong mission.



  • Name: Ronald Emmerich

  • Age: 66 (10 November 1955)

  • Nationality: German

  • Profession: Director/ Producer/ Screenwriter/ Writer

  • Known For: Franzmann, Wilde Witwe (Short film), The Noah’s Ark Principle, Joey, Hollywood-Monster, Universal Soldier.

Check out more about Ronald



  • Name: John Bradley

  • Age: 33 (15 September 1988.)

  • Nationality: British

  • Profession: Actor

  • Known For:  Anna Karenina, Traders,  Man Up, Grimsby, Roger.

Check out more about John

  • Name: Patrick Wilson

  • Age: 48 ( July 3, 1973)

  • Nationality: American

  • Profession: Actor

  • Known For: My Sister’s Wedding, The Alamo,  The Phantom of the Opera, Hard Candy, Little Children.

Check out more about Patrick

  • Name: Halle Berry

  • Age: 54 ( August 14, 1966.)

  • Nationality: American

  • Profession: Actress

  • Known For:  The Flintstones, the political comedy-drama Bulworth  ,Introducing Dorothy Dandridge, X-Men series.

Check out more about Halle 

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