Name of the Movie: The Invisible Thread
Languages; Italian
Director(s): Marco Simon Puccioni
Writer(s): Luca De Bei, Marco Simon Puccioni
Lead Star Cast(s): Filippo Timi, Francesco Scianna, Francesco Gheghi
Release Date: March 4, 2022
Budget: N/A
Running time: 1 hr 30 min
Genre: Comedy: Comedy, Drama, Family
Reviews by top 3 websites/ critics
IDMB rating: 7.7/10
MovieMeter: N/A
The Numbers: N/A
The plot of the Movie
Leone, 16 years old and two dads, Simone and Paolo, was born in California thanks to Tilly, an American woman who helped his parents to bring him into the world. Leone then grew up in Italy like all the other children but he also experienced the struggles for rights in which his family participated. All this is told in a short video that Leone is preparing as a school assignment together with Jacopo, his best friend. Just as, dodging prejudices and misunderstandings about his sexuality, Leone is about to experience his first love story, the solidity of his family seems to be in danger. Living a complex family situation will push Leo to reflect on the true nature of the “invisible thread” that binds him to his fathers and to all those who wanted his birth.
Trailer of the Movie
Directors of the movie
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Name: Marco Simon Puccioni
Age: 59 (1963)
Nationality: Italian
Profession: Director | Producer | Writer
Known For: Il Filo Invisibile, Tuttinsieme, Come il vento, Il Colore delle Parole
Check out more about Marco
Lead Star Cast
Name: Filippo Timi
Age: 47 (February 27, 1974)
Nationality: Italian
Profession: Actor
Known For: Blood of My Blood, He Named Me Malala, Icaros: A Vision, Questi giorni
Check out more about Filippo
Name: Francesco Scianna
Age: 39 (March 25, 1982)
Nationality: Italian
Profession: Actor
Known For: Mary Magdalene, Beware the Gorilla, Ben-Hur, The Price of Desire
Check out more about Francesco
Name: Francesco Gheghi
Age: 16 (Not Confirmed)
Nationality: Italian
Profession: Actor
Known For: Io sono Tempesta, Mio fratello rincorre i dinosauri, Padrenostro, The Invisible Thread
Check out more about Francesco Gheghi
Watch out for Movie’s Cast Interview on Youtube